Rabies Vaccine, Human Diploid Cell Cultres (HDCV)

A to Z Drug Facts

Rabies Vaccine, Human Diploid Cell Cultres (HDCV)

  Lab Test Interferences
  Adverse Reactions
Patient Care Considerations
  Patient/Family Education

(RAY-beez vaccine)
Imovax Rabies Vaccine, Imovax Rabies I.D. Vaccine
Class: Vaccine, inactivated virus

 Action Induces neutralizing antibodies and cellular immunity.

 Indications Induction of active immunity against rabies virus either before or after viral exposure.

 Contraindications May theoretically be contraindicated in persons who have had life-threatening allergic reactions to rabies vaccine or any of its components. Pre-exposure treatment: developing febrile illness.


Preexposure Prophylaxis

ADULTS & CHILDREN: IM 1 ml or Intradermal 0.1 ml (Imovax ID only) on days 0, 7, and 21 or 28.

Postexposure Prophylaxis

ADULTS & CHILDREN: Following RIG administration, IM 1 ml on days 0, 3, 7, 14 and 28. Patients who previously received preexposure prophylaxis: IM 1 ml on only days 0 and 3. Do not give RIG.


Chloroquine: Long-term therapy with chloroquine may suppress immune response to intradermal rabies vaccine. Complete pre-exposure rabies vaccination 1 to 2 mo before starting chloroquine administration. Immunosuppressant drugs (including high-dose corticosteroids): May result in insufficient response to immunization. If possible, do not give immunosuppressive agents during postexposure therapy.

 Lab Test Interferences None well documented.

 Adverse Reactions

CNS: Headache; dizziness. GI: Nausea; abdominal pain. Local: Swelling, erythema, pruritis, local pain and discomfort. OTHER: Muscle aches; slight fever; fatigue; serum-sickness–like reactions with intradermal booster doses.


Pregnancy: Category C. Vaccinate if risk of disease outweighs risk to patients. Lactation: Unknown. Hypersensitivity reactions: In persons who experience immune-complex-like (or serum-sickness-like) hypersensitivity reactions during pre-exposure prophylaxis, do not give further doses of rabies vaccine unless they are exposed to rabies or they are likely to be unapparently or unavoidably exposed to rabies virus and have unsatisfactory antibody titers. Intradermal route: Indicated only for preexposure immunization. Pre-exposure immunization: Those at high risk of exposure to the rabies virus require preexposure immunization: veterinarians, certain laboratory workers, animal handlers, forest rangers, spelunkers and persons staying > 1 mo in other countries where rabies is constant threat (eg, India). Postexposure prophylaxis: If bite from animal is unprovoked, animal is not apprehended and rabies is present in that species in area, administer RIG and rabies vaccine. Consider vaccine recipients adequately immunized if they previously completed preexposure or postexposure prophylaxis with either current rabies vaccine (but not Wyvac brand from Wyeth) or have documented adequate antibody response. Radiation therapy: Persons undergoing radiation therapy may experience insufficient response to immunization and remain susceptible. Travelers: Travelers to endemic areas may receive vaccine by intradermal route if 3-dose series can be completed ³ 30 days before departure; otherwise give vaccine IM.




 Patient/Family Education

© 2003 Facts and Comparisons
David S. Tatro
A to Z Drug Facts